Coastside Aquatics Center

A nonprofit organization

$2,120 raised by 31 donors

11% complete

$20,000 Goal

Who Are We?

The Coastside Aquatics Center is the result of a shared vision of community members who want to promote water safety, health, and wellness through aquatics. Our team is passionate about making this dream a reality and bringing the numerous benefits of an aquatics center to the community.

Learning life-saving water safety skills, especially considering our dangerous coastline, is imperative. There are very few public swimming pools available to the community. Swim lessons are expensive, limiting access for many.

Last summer, with the support of our county sheriff, Christina Corpus, free swimming lessons were made available to our youth. In those sessions, about 100 children were provided with lessons. The antiquated pool at the Half Moon Bay High School was used, however it is less than ideal. Without continued access to a swimming pool, those newly learned skills can't be honed, but it is a good start for our community and youth.



The Coastside Aquatics Center is a new non-profit organization. Its mission is to bring aquatic programs to all residents of the San Mateo County Coastside community. Additionally, we will start planning for a new regulation-sized swimming pool and locker-rooms at the Half Moon Bay High School pool which will be available for community use.


Donations will be used to open the swimming pool at HMB High School for more hours, making it truly a community pool. Also, swimming lessons for children and adults will be available and affordable. When you donate to Coastside Aquatics Center you will provide for the teaching of aquatic safety, as well as provide opportunities for fun.

We need to raise funds to:

* Hire lifeguards and swimming instructors.

* Repair existing safety hazards at the pool.

* Provide funds for maintenance of the pool systems.

* Purchase swim lesson equipment, i.e. kick-boards.

* Install directional signs to the HMBHS swimming pool.

These all quickly mount up to a sizable investment, but the rewards are worthwhile.

Thank you for your donation to our non-profit for the benefit to our Coastside communities. We will respectfully use your donation wisely. Thank you!

Organization Data


Organization name

Coastside Aquatics Center

Tax id (EIN)


Organization Category

Community Improvement, Education, Health

Operating Budget

$0- $50,000


P.O. Box 868
Half Moon Bay, CA 94019